FreeBSD 6.1 Released

Mark Kirkwood markir at
Fri May 12 02:31:37 UTC 2006

Mike Jakubik wrote:

> Patches? For what? It's too late now, 6.1 has been released. I sent 
> reminders to the RE team and i made it quite clear on the lists that the 
> quota issue should be described in the relnotes/errata before the 
> release. If the RE team chooses to ignore major bugs and pretend all is 
> fine and dandy, then there is not much patches will do. Heck, im still 
> waiting for Scott to personally fix the problems, as he so graciously 
> offered, but couldn't deliver. I offered to work with him and provide 
> help, he never replied to my emails.

I'm almost afraid to enter into this discussion (puts on flame suit), 
but might it be better to gently encourage the re/development team to 
make some of these a priority for 6.2? (as that gives everyone more lead 
time, and in the end what we all want is FreeBSD to steadily improve).



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