WINE vs. FreeBSD

Tijl Coosemans tijl at
Mon Jul 24 16:39:48 UTC 2006

On Monday 24 July 2006 17:39, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jul 2006, Tijl Coosemans wrote:
> > I've attached two patches that accomplish this, but this seems to
> > trigger other problems, so use at your own risk. If you want to try
> > them, place them in the port's files/ directory and add a line
> > containing "USE_AUTOTOOLS= autoconf:259" to the Makefile. This
> > seems to break wine+libpthread, so I've also changed the port to
> > use libthr instead.
> >
> > For the libpthread experts, I haven't investigated that much
> > further yet, but libpthread seems to fail in create_stack() from
> > _pthread_create() from _thr_start_sig_daemon().
> See my response to this in a previous reply to this thread.  libthr
> and libpthread use LDT's for TLS.  WINE is stomping on them because
> it doesn't properly create LDTs.  This is not a problem with either
> of the thread libraries and this issue has been known ever since we
> implemented TLS years ago.

And as I stated later on in that thread, I don't see where libpthread 
and libthr still use LDT entries. As far as I understand the code, 
instead of using an LDT entry per thread (as it sure used to be), only 
one single GDT entry is used whose base address is updated during a 
context switch. Looking at the cvs history, it has been working like 
this since a couple commits of Peter Wemm about a year ago.

And if nothing but Wine uses the LDT, Wine's static allocation of LDT 
entries can't be the problem.
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