FreeBSD Real Mode interface

Dmitry Frolov frolov at
Mon Jan 30 21:08:09 PST 2006

* Loren M. Lang <lorenl at> [28.01.2006 13:09]:

> Is there any equivalent to the Linux Real Mode interface in FreeBSD?  I
> would like to port a program called atitvout to FreeBSD, but it uses
> calls to the vesa bios in real mode on the x86 arch.  I can't seem to
> find out how to do this in FreeBSD.

LRMI <> should work
on FreeBSD since version 0.8. And here is my FreeBSD/NetBSD patch
for atitvout (with instructions inside):

    wbr&w, dmitry.
Dmitry Frolov <frolov at>
RISS-Telecom Network, Novosibirsk, Russia
66415911 at ICQ, +7 3832 NO WA1T, DVF-RIPE

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