CPU/case/disk temperature sensors for Dell PowerEdge 2850

Surer Dink surerlistmail at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 10:04:33 PST 2006

On 1/26/06, Bruno Ducrot <ducrot at poupinou.org> wrote:
> > > First, install sysutils/freeipmi, then try it by this command:
> > > # bmc-info
> > >
> > > If it don't work, or loop forever, please install
> > > dmidecode (sysutils/dmidecode) then give us the output from
> > > it for the type entry 38 (IPMI Device Information).
> >
> >
> > bmc-info hangs, output of dmidecode for type 38 is:
> > Handle 0x2600
> >         DMI type 38, 18 bytes.
> >         IPMI Device Information
> >                 Interface Type: KCS (Keyboard Control Style)
> >                 Specification Version: 1.5
> >                 I2C Slave Address: 0x10
> >                 NV Storage Device: Not Present
> >                 Base Address: 0x0000000000000CA8 (I/O)
> >                 Register Spacing: 32-bit Boundaries
> >
> > Incidentally, I attempted the same on other servers (Dell 2550 and some
> > Supermicros) and they do not contain a "type 38" at all...
> The DMI stuff is more or less optional.  If not present, this won't
> means IPMI is not there.  For both Dell 2550 (this time..) and the
> Supermicros, if there are some remote cards control then FreeIPMI should
> work even if no such handle does not exist at all.
> If this won't work, for the supermicro at least I
> think sysutils/mbmon may work.
> Back to the Dell 2850, the problem is the 'Register Spacing:
> 32-bit Boundaries' line.
> FreeIPMI 0.1.3 does not implement this feature and use
> always the default 8-bit boundary.  The symptom is that bmc-info
> hang forever.
> Fortunately, the next release will include this support.  By now,
> there is a beta available but no port has been done.
> By now, you can try to copy the attached file to
> ports/sysutils/freeipmi/files
> and rebuild the port.

Gave it a shot, but seemingly no change.  bmc-info still hangs, bmc-config
-o outputs:

Section User1
        ## Give username
        Username                                     Anonymous
        ## Give password or leave it blank to clear password

and then hangs...

It's good to know the solution is 'in the works'.  If I understand
correctly, having these tools work will allow me to actually
enable/configure this interface, correct?

(re Dell 2550 - bmc-info/bmc-config have identical behavior to the 2850
(with the patch and without), -info hangs, -config -o hangs after spitting
out the above...)

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