Weird PCI interrupt delivery problem (resolution, sort of)

Scott Long scottl at
Wed Jan 25 07:04:04 PST 2006

John Baldwin wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 January 2006 19:34, Craig Boston wrote:
>>On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 10:43:49AM -0500, John Baldwin wrote:
>>>What if you do a read of the lapic before the write?  Maybe doing 'x =
>>>lapic->eoi;  lapic->eoi = 0;'?
>>Reading the lapic before the write has no effect.
>>Reading the lapic after the write makes it work.
> Hmm, perhaps the read forces the write to post?  Scott?

Either that, or the read imposes enough delay to let whatever was
happening during the DELAY call work.   I find it hard to believe that
uncached writes would get delayed like this.  I've lost the original
posting on this, could you provide the dmesg and computer make/model


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