My machine been hacked, I need help

Julian Elischer julian at
Fri Jan 13 20:17:16 PST 2006

anchor (sent by wrote:

>My machine been hacked. The message file was modified. Old dated backup files are deleted. The last log was truncated. You are gurus. Would you please tell me where I can find out other trace file or  logfiles to figure out where the hacker come from?
>Thanks a lot.
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If you can get  into the kernel debugger you may try to do a ps from 
there and see if there are any strange processes running.
of course the first thing to do is physically unplug the machine.
then make a backup for forensic purposes if you can.

you don't say what version of the system it is and what it runs as services.

there are rootkit finders in the ports under 'security'

if you installed from CD see if you can get it from there..

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