An idea of remove MUTEX_WAKE_ALL

Scott Long scottl at
Tue Jan 3 12:18:35 PST 2006

Daniel Eischen wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Scott Long wrote:
>>>for a bit if the current lock owner is running on another CPU?
>>>Do we currently do that?
>>>(*) No, I am not referring to spin mutexes.
>>Adaptive mutexes are enabled by default and have been for at least a
> Ahh, then that's what they (Adaptive) do.

Well, it's a bit different from Solaris, I believe.  They do not sleep
after a certain number of contested spins, and instead just continue to
spin.  As we reduce the coverage of large contested locks (like Giant)
this becomes much less of performance problem, though.


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