[PATCH] add header "pppoe:" in ng_pppoe.c printfs

Joao Barros joao.barros at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 14:35:06 UTC 2006


I recently switched ISPs which in turn led me from a cablemodem to an
ADSL modem.
After setting PPPoE up I started noticing this messages in the daily
run outputs that that nice guy Charlie root sends me at 3am:

Aug  3 08:24:54 ultra5 kernel: session in wrong state

I was a bit suspicious of anything PPPoE related and a little search
confirmed that, pointing directly at ng_pppoe.c
Being this a cryptic message to say the least and to probably save
someone some time when presented with this message I attach a patch
that adds the header "pppoe:" in every printf that didn't have it,
making it consistent with the rest of the file.
I also noticed this message appears right before the ISP closes the
connection due to time limit.

I'm CCing those I see were the last ones to commit to this file and
will file a PR if asked to.

Joao Barros
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