IOCTL :Facing problems while acccessing data from kernel space

Simon 'corecode' Schubert corecode at
Wed Sep 28 02:48:21 PDT 2005

rashmi ns wrote:
>>#define HDLCMODE _IOR('6',0xF,int)
>>when i trying to uprintf the data which was sent from the user-space in
>>the device-driver-ioctl-routine i'll get a different value than which was
>>passed. Can anybody please tell me why this is happening . I pass the
>>address of an integer where data is stored from the user space as third arg
>>to the ioctl call .

maybe you should show how you do it in kernel.  I suspect you try to 
access it as an int* as well, which is wrong.  The kernel already does 
take care of this for you.  Just write the integer you want to pass into 
the data area and you're done.


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