status of ufsj and gjournal

Soeren Straarup xride at
Sun Sep 11 23:22:55 PDT 2005

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005, Eric Anderson wrote:

> Brian Wilson wrote:
>> On 9/9/05, Eric Anderson <anderson at> wrote:
>>> db at wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I wonder whats the status of those summer of code projects.
>>>>> From gjournal we heard that it has been completed but then nothing 
>>>>> happens, any
>>>> further information about this?
>>>> Is somebody working on ufsj? Was the summer of code project successful?
>>> Scott Long is the core person working on ufsj, and I have seen some
>>> stuff worked on in his perforce tree, but I think it's a ways away from
>>> being beta.  I'm sure he would welcome help.
>> I was working on the ufsj stuff as a Google SoC project with Scott.
>> It is very close to beta, however this past week involved school
>> starting back up, so I have been unable to do any work at all.
>> However, now that I am settled in at school (for some definition of
>> settled in), I have time to devote to ufsj again.
>> I hope to release a beta "real soon now", so stay tuned.
> Hey Brian!  Thanks for the info - I've been very interested in the 
> development of the project, but Scott is too busy doing other real stuff, and 
> I oddly didn't even think to ask you anything. :(
> I'm willing to play with pre-beta patches or tarballs/etc.  Feel free to 
> contact me off list if you'd like a guinea pig.

So am I.. I have the hw to test on too and i wanna test geomgui too (8


Soeren Straarup   | aka OZ2DAK aka Xride
FreeBSD wannabe   | FreeBSD since 2.2.6-R
    'We wanted to believe. But the tools
     had been taken away..' Mulder

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