Xen support

Kip Macy kmacy at netapp.com
Sat Mar 19 13:12:06 PST 2005

> Ok, not really annoying, Manuel Bouyer is working on domain0 support for
> NetBSD, so I won't have to install some linux on the box ;)

So I've heard. I haven't tried it out yet.

> As my girlfriend would like me to keep the bare minimum number of
> machines here, Xen is the way to run Net/Free/DFly and maybe some
> dreadful Debian on a single amd64 machine.

LOL. There isn't any DFly support currently. Starting from the FreeBSD port, it 
wouldn't be hard to add.

> Regarding this kind of setup, do you know if Xen could support amd64 in
> domain0 and mix amd64/ia32 kernels/userlands in other domains ?

There currently is only compatibility-mode support for applications not guests.  
I'm not under the impression that x86_64 support is that stable yet. Otherwise I
would've started on x86_64 FreeBSD support. Please try it out and let me know 
off-list how well it works.


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