Idea about 'skeleton jail

Anish Mistry mistry.7 at
Sun Mar 13 12:20:43 PST 2005

On Sunday 13 March 2005 01:23 pm, Chris Hodgins wrote:
> Samuel J. Greear wrote:
> > Not a bad 'idea' at all, although I won't comment on semantics. 
> > I had something implemented using fs stacking (in a very hackish
> > way, and I believe it's lost now, so don't ask to see it...) to
> > implement per-jail quota's that seemed to work quite well.
> >
> > Sam
> Feel free to comment on the semantics.  As I said before, I am not
> very knowledgable about filesystems and any insight or alternative
> implementation you can provide would be interesting I'm sure to
> everyone.
Yeah, if there was jailfs that was setup automatically for the jails 
that supported quotas out of the box that would kill my major gripe 
about setting up jails.

Anish Mistry
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