FUD about CGD and GBDE

Steven M. Bellovin smb at cs.columbia.edu
Sat Mar 5 17:47:52 GMT 2005

In message <200503042128.j24LSH4d035277 at marlena.vvi.at>, "ALeine" writes:

>Could you make the tools you used publically available? I would very
>much like to run that kind of analysis on my disks, especially now
>that I'm planning the implementation of the GBDE changes I proposed.

I will eventually, but there's nothing in shape to release right now.  
It's proof-of-concept C, a few awk scripts, and a bunch of hand-typed 
awk and gnuplot.

		--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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