
Kamal R. Prasad kamalpr at
Wed Mar 2 17:26:01 GMT 2005

--- Lucas Holt <luke at> wrote:

> Wouldn't a multi threaded program potentially need
> more cpu time than 
> vi?  

No. That is not a given.

> Multithreaded apps are created to do a lot of
> computation or 
> because they have a lot of concurrent activity that
> might block right?
Threads are meant to take advantage of concurrency. 
Maybe the freebsd implementation should implement NPTL
in entirety.

> On Mar 1, 2005, at 2:49 PM, Julian Elischer wrote:
> >>
> >
> > If you make 1000 threads, you get 1000 slots on
> the scheduler. (last 
> > time I looked..
> > Let me know if I'm wrong).
> >
depends on whether it is defined to execute in system
scope or not.


Kamal R. Prasad
UNIX systems consultant 
kamalp at

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