No SMP on Compaq ML350 with FBSD 5.3-RE

John Baldwin jhb at
Wed Jun 29 18:52:33 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 29 June 2005 02:00 pm, Justin Hopper wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm sure this problem would have been found before, but so far, I can't
> see any trace of it in searches.
> I just picked up a Compaq ML350 for free from a liquidator, runs fine it
> seems, and has dual P-II 600MHz CPUs.  The BIOS post shows the two CPUs,
> as does the BIOS "System Info" function.  However, a fresh install of
> FreeBSD 5.3-RE shows only a single CPU, and utilities like "top" reflect
> this as well.  Attached is the dmesg output.  Since this is such old
> hardware, I'm really surprised that it doesn't just simply "work".
> Thoughts?

Did you add 'options SMP' to your kernel config?  I think that GENERIC in 5.x 
has 'options SMP' disabled by default.

John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =

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