NDIS driver Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG reaches kernel panic

Florent Thoumie flz at xbsd.org
Sat Jun 11 22:24:46 GMT 2005

Le Vendredi 10 juin 2005 à 18:48 -0600, Braulio José Solano Rojas a
écrit :
> Hello.
> I have installed FreeBSD 5.4 on a ASUS S5200N.  Runs very nice!
> However I still need to install Wifi.  I saw that Intel(R) PRO/Wireless
> 2200BG is not supported by wlan FreeBSD driver (reading through the man
> pages).  Then I found that I could use the NDIS driver added on FreeBSD
> 5.3 to achieve Wireless Networking.

	This chipset is supported by iwi(4) driver, but it hasn't been 
	MFC'ed to RELENG_5.

	Here [1] is a port I'm planning to commit that installs the 
	needed firmware and optionally (you seem to need it though) a 
	kernel module to support your card.

	I can't test it by myself, so I'd be glad you test it for me.

	It has a rcNG script, if you just put iwi_enable="YES" it will
	try to set iwi0 in bss mode. Just put if_iwi_enable="YES" in
	/boot/loader.conf so that it works at boot time. See pkg-message
	for more information.

	Note: It needs latest modifications I just committed to 

	Note2: Sorry, it has nothing to do with ndis(4).

	[1] http://www.xbsd.org/~flz/ports/iwi-firmware.shar

Florent Thoumie
flz at xbsd.org
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