mio_connect specificity

Oleg Gritsak admin at sib-ecometall.ru
Sat Jun 11 12:36:41 GMT 2005

Greetings! Would you, please, help to understand, what's specific
FreeBSD has in a syscall mio_connect? The problem, I've ran into
is - the shutting jabber server. 

In linux this code:

out->fd = mio_connect(s2s->mio, pkt->port, pkt->ip, _out_mio_callback, (void *) out);

doesn't lead to problems, but on my servers (FreeBSD 4.11/5.4) the daemon dies instantly.
It doesn't even write to log, that it is exiting.

The author of Jabber (2.0.8, from latest ports) is probably a linux-user and therefor 
doesn't believe the problem (on FreeBSD) exists. 8-(

p.s. Of course, this problem occures only when peer is unreachable 
(return code 1, Operation not permitted).
p.p.s. "Operation not permitted" because of isakmpd.

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