Slowing down an old program to run on a fast CPU?

Kamal R. Prasad kamalpr at
Sat Jun 11 06:24:49 GMT 2005

--- Neo-Vortex <root at> wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Jun 2005, Mike Hunter wrote:
> > Hey everybody,
> >
> > I was playing around in ports and came across
> xroach.  Cool program :)
> > The only problem is that it runs too fast; you
> can't see the roaches
> > because they scurry under your windows too
> quickly.
> >
> > Is there a general-purpose approach to this kind
> of problem in the FBSD
> > world?  I can see myself writing a C program
> called `slow` that would take
> > argv[1] as the factor ( > 1) by which argv[2]
> should be slowed down by.
> >
> > Anybody else ever come up against this?
> >
> > Thanks and happy Friday!
Try lowering the priority of the target using nice and
see if you can raise the priority of all other
processes. In that case, the process with a lower
priority will be automatically starved of cpu time.

(p.s It has happned inadverently to me many times
during debugging that I starved my shell of


> You could try installing vmware and running however
> many copies of windows
> it takes to make the game playable... (i would say
> some other form of
> *BSD, but it probobly wouldn't hog as much cpu :P)
> ~NVX
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Kamal R. Prasad
UNIX systems consultant 
kamalp at

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