Bootable CDROM creation system

Chad David davidc at
Thu Jun 9 15:44:28 GMT 2005

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 08:35:59AM +0200, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> Chad David <davidc at> writes:
> > My company built a tool a few years back for creating a bootable cdrom
> > based on a running host FreeBSD 3/4 system, which promptly got shelved and
> > forgotten.I recently had to update it for FreeBSD 5 and thought that
> > perhaps the community at large could make use it before it gets forgotten
> > again.
> # cd /usr/src
> # make buildworld buildkernel
> # mkdir /tmp/cdrom
> # make installworld installkernel DESTDIR=/tmp/cdrom
> # cd /usr/src/etc
> # make distribution DESTDIR=/tmp/cdrom
> # mkisofs -o /tmp/cdrom.iso -r -no-emul-boot -b /tmp/cdrom/boot/cdboot /tmp/cdrom
> # burncd -s max data /tmp/cdrom.iso fixate eject
> did I leave anything out?

No, not if the intention is to build a FreeBSD distribution; however, the
point of shimmer is to build something a little more custom.  What I posted
begins to break the various parts of the system down into packages, and only
installs what is required to boot and be minimally useful.  mktree allow us
to package things into more complex groupings to build different custom
'distributions' from a single shimmer tree.

I didn't clame it was going to change the world, only that I would like to
see someone benefit from my work.

Did you actually look at what was there?

Chad David        davidc at
ACNS Inc.         Calgary, Alberta Canada

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