Version 4.4 sick and dying

Eric Anderson anderson at
Wed Jun 8 12:21:27 GMT 2005

Sydney Hole & Owen Huffaker wrote:
> Hello,
> Wonder if you can give me a little advise.
> I am going to try this tomorrow morning and wondered if you might have some
> good advise.
> I do have a copy of BSD 4.5 and 5.o from a FreeBSD Unleashed book by Michael
> Urban and Brian Tieman.  I also have the absolute BSD by Michael Lucas.

Well, it's hard to say what the right path would be for you.  I think if 
it were me, and I had tarred up all the files, I would install the most 
recent FreeBSD version I can (5.4 in this case), install all the 
necessary ports (/usr/ports/*), and then copy the data back from the 
'backup' drive (you created when you did all the tars) onto the newly 
installed system in the right places.

If you are totally new to FreeBSD, the Handbook is your best friend:


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
A lost ounce of gold may be found, a lost moment of time never.

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