SIMPLEQ_* macros from OpenBSD sys/queue.h

Kevin Lo kevlo at
Wed Jul 13 06:14:56 GMT 2005

Florent Thoumie wrote:
> 	I'm currently working on OpenBGPd port update and I'm facing a
> 	little problem that is actually quite painful to deal with.
> 	I need some macros from OpenBSD sys/queue.h which aren't present
> 	in FreeBSD. I can replace #include <sys/queue.h> with #include
> 	"queue.h" and copy the file in the working directory but this
> 	leads to having more than 10 patches.
> 	Yeah I'm using REINPLACE_CMD, but sometimes sys/queue.h is a
> 	hidden "dependency" (by hidden, I mean it's included by an
> 	included header file, and doesn't show up directly in the source
> 	file).
> 	So, could somebody consider merging these SIMPLEQ_* macros or
> 	even synchronize FreeBSD and OpenBSD versions ?

Aren't those SIMPLEQ_* macros the same with FreeBSD's STAILQ_* macros?

> 	Regards.
> 	Note: This could have been posted to -current, I wasn't sure
> 	which mailing list was the best.


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