smartmontools vs HP Smart Array 642 controller

Brian Reichert reichert at
Wed Feb 23 23:33:53 GMT 2005

As per the combo in the subject:

Does anyone have any experience with smartctl and a HP Smart Array
642 controller?

When I boot with HP's provided CD, the utility tells me that the
device is SMART enabled.

When I run smartctl version 5.32 under 5.3-STABLE (circa yesterdays's
CVSup), hoever, I get:

  new# smartd -d
  smartd version 5.32 Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen
  Home page is
  No configuration file /usr/local/etc/smartd.conf found, scanning devices
  glob(3) found no matches for patterns (/dev/ad[0-9]),(/dev/ad[0-9][0-9])
  Device: /dev/da0, opened
  (pass0:ciss0:0:0:0): MODE SENSE(06). CDB: 1a 0 1c 0 40 0 
  (pass0:ciss0:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
  (pass0:ciss0:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
  (pass0:ciss0:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:24,0
  (pass0:ciss0:0:0:0): Invalid field in CDB
  Device: /dev/da0, Bad IEC (SMART) mode page, err=-1, skip device
  Unable to register SCSI device /dev/da0
  Unable to monitor any SMART enabled devices. Exiting...

My googling has revealed nothing useful, and I was hoping for some
feedback on this...

(HP's supplied Linux-based monitoring was uninstallable, and I was
in no mood to de-Llinx the instal script.)

Brian Reichert				<reichert at>
37 Crystal Ave. #303			Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1713 USA			BSD admin/developer at large	

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