FW: Call for comments: CoxR, a CVS/mail-lists/BTS

ALeine aleine at austrosearch.net
Tue Feb 8 01:57:04 PST 2005

kris at obsecurity.org wrote: 

> Consider not insulting the intelligence of the FreeBSD developers
> if you want them to ever help you again with your kernel newbie
> questions.  That kind of trash-talking may be cool in other
> projects, but around here it's not going to win you friends.

Consider not mischaracterizing, belittling and alienating people for
voicing their opinions. I had no intention of insulting anyone, my
point was exactly the opposite of what you seem to believe - I claim
that if such seasoned, highly intelligent and skilled developers do
not feel comfortable making changes to certain subsystems then that
is an indication that the complexity has gone too far. 

Let me reiterate, I believe the Core team members to be highly
intelligent, skilled and friendly people and I have a lot of
respect for them and their work. I have utmost respect for Mr.
Watson because I believe he better than anyone else embodies
the spirit of the Project, he is always very informative,
thorough, helpful, friendly, polite, willing to share his
vast knowledge and experience and offer his insight, unlike
certain former Security Officers.

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