Firewire blues
Ulrich Spoerlein
q at
Mon Feb 7 11:12:51 PST 2005
On Mon, 07.02.2005 at 10:16:13 +0100, Gerald Heinig wrote:
> [dcons disconnected (get crom failed)]
> [...]
> BTW, I'm trying to set up remote debugging with gdb to debug a kernel hang.
As Stephan already suggested, try fwcontrol -r (probably on both hosts).
This worked for me. And good luck in getting kgdb to work over firewire,
I failed :(
If you get it working, please get back to me!
Ulrich Spoerlein
PGP Key ID: F0DB9F44 Encrypted mail welcome!
Fingerprint: F1CE D062 0CA9 ADE3 349B 2FE8 980A C6B5 F0DB 9F44
Ok, which part of "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
didn't you understand?
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