Yan Yu
yanyu_1997 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 6 11:45:54 PST 2005
hi, THANKS FOR the pointer!
> falloc() isn't considered a "pluggable" kernel API,
> that is to say, we've
> not engineered FreeBSD with the intent that it be
> replaced at run-time.
> If you don't mind my asking, what motivates you to
> replace falloc()?
i would like to add more checks (e.g., resource usage
restrictions) before a file is being created, e.g.,
the upper limit of the total number of file
descriptors that can be created by a single user (the
same uid).
THe reason I did not replace fopen() is that:
there are many places (besides fopen) will create a
new file (vnode). a quick checked shows that _falloc_
is called by many places..
does this make sense, or i should make change in some
other place?
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