i86 install images

Ryan Sommers ryans at gamersimpact.com
Sun Feb 6 15:27:03 PST 2005

Chuck Robey wrote:
> Anyhow, I do my downloading using my Mac machine, and it's reporting the,
> say for the disc1, it's "miniinst" and for disc2, it's reporting "LiveFS".
> I know it's not important what label's on the disc, as long as it's not
> part of the install, but having the names not only being wrong. but
> actually overwriting good names, that's not very good.  If I was root, I
> would want that fixed, it would embarrass me.

FYI, within the past 2 weeks I downloaded the 5.3-RELEASE image to an 
OSX mac and successfully burned it, not sure exactly what site it was.

I never looked at the label however. One thing to remember though, when 
burning ISOs on an OSX mac the best way I've found it to open up a 
terminal (Applications / Utilities, if I remember correctly) and then do 
'hdutil burn isoname'

Ryan Sommers
ryans at gamersimpact.com

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