aggregating a bit of three different network connections into one ...

Joe Schmoe non_secure at
Thu Feb 3 17:16:42 PST 2005


I have three totally distinct network connections at
my office.  We have an ISDN line, a T1, and a DSL
connection.  I do not need to worry about the
particulars of each connection, because I actually
have an ethernet drop for each of them - someone else
does the routing/csu-dsu/etc. - I just get a usable
ethernet drop that supports DHCP (a distinct DHCP
service on each port - they aren't related).

I _also_ have a FreeBSD server sitting in a datacenter
many miles away, with its own single, dedicated
network connection out to the real world.

What I would like to do is build a PC with three
network cards in it, connect each card to each of
those three network drops, and use 10% of the total
bandwidth of each connection - somehow turning that
into one single network connection that that PC would

BUT I do not want some kind of round-robin scheme
wherein TCP session X uses the fraction of the ISDN,
and TCP session Y uses the fraction of the T1, etc. -
I want the end result to be one single connection that
behaves just like any other single connection.

What I want is to create a virtual tunnel from this PC
to the server in the datacenter - so all packets from
the PC go out, equally, on the three disparate
connections, and they all are pointed to the hosted
server.  The hosted server then pieces everything back
together and creates useful connections to the outside
internet, which it then passes back over the three-way
tunnel to the PC.

   /--- 10% of this connection ---\
PC----- 10% of this connection ---- server -> Internet
  \---- 10% of this connection ---/

Is this possible ?

Is netgraph one2many the correct mechanism to be
looking at ?

Basically I want a connection that, at the end,
presents itself to the system as one single connection
with one single IP, and gives effective bandwidth of
(percentage-ISDN) + (percentage-T1) +


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