SATA NCQ by software?

João Carlos Mendes Luís jonny at
Thu Apr 14 09:25:52 PDT 2005

Søren Schmidt wrote:
> João Carlos Mendes Luís wrote:
>> Hi,
>>     To use the advantages of SATA NCQ, do I have to use a specific
>> controller, or is this only a software matter?
> Both actually, and a disk that supports it as well.

    But then, if the controller should have NCQ support, how could I
determine if it is compliant?

> I'm working on getting the ATA driver to handle NCQ (and the older TCQ
> for that matter).

    Humm, NCQ and TCQ are different?  Do my previous questions apply to TCQ?

    And important, do you expect NCQ/TCQ to get the same performance
gains as SCSI TCQ?  IIRC, TCQ is the only technical performance
advantage of SCSI drives nowadays (other than comparative specs, like
RPM, etc).

    If you get some NCQ patches and my hardware is compatible, I will
gladly beta test them for you.  Let me know in private.

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