Route/arp help?

M. Parsons mrparsons at
Wed Apr 13 10:25:37 PDT 2005

To access my dsl modem's line stats page, I have to create an arp
entry and a route for it, under linux this was done as: (eth1
connected directly to dsl modem)

ifconfig eth1 netmask
route add dev eth1
arp -s ffffffffffffffffff    (not really fffff, but the MAC
address of the dsl modem, NOT the nic).

unfortunately, I cant seem to figure out the commands to get this to
work under FreeBSD 5.3

Ifconfig is simple enough (replace eth1 with de0 in my case)

Arp seems the same (except it needs colons)

But the route command I have no clue.  It doesnt seem to follow the
same syntax as linux, and I havent figured out the correct syntax yet.

Any help?



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