My experience with cpufreq in -STABLE

Frank Behrens frank at
Mon Apr 4 09:45:08 PDT 2005

Because I have a recent pentium4 and read about the new cpufreq 
interface in -5.4-STABLE I decided to try it. It was not a problem to 
fetch and compile the driver with information from the mailing list, 
my thanks goes to Bruno Ducrot.  

Unfortunately I did not found any information or software to control 
the cpu frequency depending from current load. So I wrote "quick and 
dirty" my own daemon running in user space. IMHO it works well, most 
of the time the frequency is set to the lowest possible value. If the 
cpu idle time goes under a fixed treshold the frequency is raised 
automatically, so there is enough power for heavy tasks.  

So whats the reason for this email? 
1. Thanks to the people providing cpufreq interface and driver. 
2. Confirmation that it seems to work well on -STABLE. 
3. I want to ask the question: Are there are other, more 
sophisticated programs to control the current cpu frequency? 
4. If desired I could release the sources for my control daemon, may 
be for inclusion in the base system? That requires that I beautify 
the sources a little bit, but that should not be a problem.  

Best regards, 
Frank Behrens, Osterwieck, Germany
e-mail: <frank at>
PGP-key 0x5B7C47ED on public servers available.

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