which Wifi cards can be used for a WAP?

Brian Reichert reichert at numachi.com
Sat Apr 2 09:33:06 PST 2005

On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 11:28:42AM -0500, Brian Reichert wrote:
> 	I guess everything listed here, with a URL to an up-to-date list:
> 	 <http://customerproducts.atheros.com/customerproducts>

Another feature of some cards that I haven't found a clear picture

Some cards have an antenna built right onto the card, and others
seem to come with a remote antenna that hangs off of a six-foot (or
so) cable.

The vendors' arguments for the cable arrangment is that it allows
for a more optimal placement of the antenna, but other lore suggests
that the cable itself introduces loss of signal.

Does anyone have a concrete opinion on this, or can point me in the
right direction for some research?

Brian Reichert				<reichert at numachi.com>
55 Crystal Ave. #286			Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1725 USA			BSD admin/developer at large	

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