Dumps with more than 4gig.

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at withagen.nl
Sun Nov 28 08:51:17 PST 2004

David Gilbert wrote:
> Did someone submit a patch that fixes dumps in excess of 4 Gig on
> arches like amd64?

About half a year ago I had some discussion on am64 when I was not able 
to dump th kernel when having 2GB of memory...
That got fixed, and after some talks a different solution was chosen 
because that would be more universal.

 From your question I conclude that it did not solve the whole problem....

I I remember correctly I suggested taking a size_t len for the action to 
write the core. But it was fixed in one layer up by writing multiple 
blocks and calling the routine more times.

Now if I could only remember where that was....
But I started searching from amd64/amd64/dump_machdep.c
I guess that you'd have to start there also, after which you'll end up 
with the disk io-specific module dumpers:
cam/scsi/scsi_da.c:static       dumper_t        dadump;
dev/aac/aac_disk.c:static       dumper_t        aac_disk_dump;
dev/amr/amr_disk.c:    sc->amrd_disk->d_dump = (dumper_t *)amrd_dump;
dev/ata/ata-disk.c:static dumper_t addump;
dev/ata/ata-raid.c:static dumper_t ardump;
dev/ida/ida_disk.c:static       dumper_t        idad_dump;
dev/null/null.c:        return (set_dumper(NULL));
dev/twe/twe_freebsd.c:    sc->twed_disk->d_dump = (dumper_t *)twed_dump;

For the specific details. I perhaps it even depends on what kind of 
storage you're using


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