setting promisc mode kills vlans on devices with hwtagging (em, re ...)

Iasen Kostov tbyte at
Thu Nov 25 07:19:10 PST 2004

Robert Watson wrote:

>On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Robert Watson wrote:
>>On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Iasen Kostov wrote:
>>>if you setup a vlan devices with parent one of emX or reX (this what I
>>>have at the moment)  which has hardware vlan tagging just try to run
>>>tcpdump (without -p) and the vlans will die :). That doesn't happen with
>>>parent devices not supporting hwtagging. And this totally excludes
>>>possibility to run a bridge over vlans with parent device which support
>>>hwtaggs.  And something else was observed with re driver - it is
>>>impossible to disable hwtaggs by -vlanhwtag neither you can disable vlan
>>>mtu :).
>>I recently fixed this bug in if_em in HEAD, and will be merging that
>>back to RELENG_5 shortly.  We plan to also merge the change to
>>RELENG_5_3 as an errata patch fix.  It does not surprise me that if_re
>>has a similar bug;  I'll look at abstracting the solution in the next
>>few days. 
>I've now merged the fix to RELENG_5 from HEAD:
>  Checking in if_em.c;
>  /home/ncvs/src/sys/dev/em/if_em.c,v  <--  if_em.c
>  new revision:; previous revision:
>  done
>  Checking in if_em.h;
>  /home/ncvs/src/sys/dev/em/if_em.h,v  <--  if_em.h
>  new revision:; previous revision:
>  done
>I'll take a look at if_re shortly.
>Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
>robert at      Principal Research Scientist, McAfee Research
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	My if_em.c is and if_em.h is and the same happens again...
I ran ping throu vlan device on one console and then start tcpdump on another console
and the ping stops.

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