HD Mirroring

mario.lobo at ipad.com.br mario.lobo at ipad.com.br
Thu Nov 25 02:51:15 PST 2004

Have you looked into
http://balance.sourceforge.net/ ?

> I'm just curious if there's any other solution that will work on FreeBSD. 
> I have about 5 mysql servers (4 slaves, 1 master) and one application in 
> particular is not smart enough to try other servers if the configured 
> server does not answer.  Is there any type of local proxy that can 
> intelligently route requests to the "best" server?
> Thanks,
> Charles

   //|  //||
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-//--//---|| ARIO LOBO
//  //    ||
mario.lobo at ipad.com.br

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