HD Mirroring
Peter Pentchev
roam at ringlet.net
Wed Nov 24 06:09:27 PST 2004
On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 10:52:11AM -0300, mario.lobo at ipad.com.br wrote:
> Hi;
> Don?t know if this is the proper list to ask. If not, please forgive me.
> Does anybody has any hints on where to go for info about HD real time
> mirroring in FreeBSD?
> I have a mysql server that I need to mirror its data on a 2nd HD,
> either on the same machine or on a remote one, but it has to be in
> real time. Has it been or can it be done at all?
Actually, it has been done, and it has been working for quite some time,
in several different versions even :) Take a look at the FreeBSD
Look at chapter 16, "Storage", and especially 16.5, "RAID". After that,
look at chapter 17, "The Vinum Volume Manager". Those will probably
contain most of the information that you need :)
There is also an excellent separate article about Vinum at
Hope that helps!
Peter Pentchev roam at ringlet.net roam at cnsys.bg roam at FreeBSD.org
PGP key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
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