List of fake vs. real SATA drives.

David Gilbert dgilbert at
Mon Nov 22 19:26:19 GMT 2004

>>>>> "Charles" == Charles Sprickman <spork at> writes:

Charles> On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, [ISO-8859-1] João Carlos Mendes Luís
Charles> wrote:
>> What is the practical diference?  Performance?

Charles> I don't know how much of it to believe, since it is marketing
Charles> material, but the Seagate white paper on their site claims
Charles> that all the command-queueing stuff brings the performance
Charles> very close to that of scsi.

Charles> This last weekend I put together a box with a 3Ware SATA RAID
Charles> controller and two of the Seagate drives.  The controller is
Charles> probably a bit of a bottleneck, but that sucker was still
Charles> incredibly fast for the price (about $300 for the controller,
Charles> $100 for for each of the two Seagate 160GB drives).  At $2
Charles> per mirrored gigabyte, I'm not complaining.

Does the 3ware support command queueing ... or is it purely a driver
issue?  Does FreeBSD support queueing?  Does FreeBSD support queueing
on all supported SATA controllers ... or just some?


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       dave at                    |  equal if and only if they |
|                              |   are precisely opposite.  |

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