Userland access to modem control lines?

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at
Wed Nov 17 07:33:51 GMT 2004

On Nov 16, 2004, at 10:48 PM, Daniel O'Connor wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a way to manipulate the modem control lines from 
> userland?

See <sys/ttycom.h>, in particular the following ioctls:

#define TIOCMSET        _IOW('t', 109, int)     /* set all modem bits */
#define TIOCMBIS        _IOW('t', 108, int)     /* bis modem bits */
#define TIOCMBIC        _IOW('t', 107, int)     /* bic modem bits */
#define TIOCMGET        _IOR('t', 106, int)     /* get all modem bits */
#define         TIOCM_LE        0001            /* line enable */
#define         TIOCM_DTR       0002            /* data terminal ready 
#define         TIOCM_RTS       0004            /* request to send */
#define         TIOCM_ST        0010            /* secondary transmit */
#define         TIOCM_SR        0020            /* secondary receive */
#define         TIOCM_CTS       0040            /* clear to send */
#define         TIOCM_DCD       0100            /* data carrier detect 
#define         TIOCM_RI        0200            /* ring indicate */
#define         TIOCM_DSR       0400            /* data set ready */
#define         TIOCM_CD        TIOCM_DCD
#define         TIOCM_CAR       TIOCM_DCD
#define         TIOCM_RNG       TIOCM_RI

  Marcel Moolenaar         USPA: A-39004          marcel at

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