Re; tcsh is not csh

Stijn Hoop stijn at
Fri Nov 12 07:33:40 PST 2004

On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 09:20:28AM -0600, Kevin Lyons wrote:
> FreeBSD - does not work (they knew better and renamed tcsh csh rather 
> than just calling a spade a spade, some commit bit vandal got a hair to 
> rename parts of the world for the sake of mankind.)


> >I'm not opposed to adding a real csh to /bin, but if we're only adding 
> >it to work around a minor incompatability that few if any programs rely 
> >on I don't see it as being a necessity.
> And the microsoft mentality lives on.  God help freebsd.

You know, I actually thought you had a point hidden inside those ugly words
somewhere. Care to share it in a civil way?


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