Re; tcsh is not csh

Ryan Sommers ryans at
Fri Nov 12 06:35:42 PST 2004

Kevin Lyons wrote:

> >Dan Nelson wrote:
> >
> > but you're 4 years too late to affect
> >the outcome...
> I think the problem can still be fixed.  Simply put in /bin/tcsh and 
> let /bin/csh be what it actually is, which is to say /bin/csh.  I 
> realize that will add all of 300kB to the system. Oh and there would 
> also have to be an entry for tcsh in /etc/shells.  Should I send a patch?

(root at blue)~:cvs co -d etc src/etc
(root at blue)~:cd etc
(root at blue)~/etc:grep tcsh shells
(root at blue)~/etc:

How many programs does this incompatability actually break? 
Realistically? If it hasn't been a problem in the last 4 years it makes 
me wonder if anyone is actually writing or using shell scripts written 
for this.

I'm not opposed to adding a real csh to /bin, but if we're only adding 
it to work around a minor incompatability that few if any programs rely 
on I don't see it as being a necessity.

Ryan Sommers
ryans at

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