Hardware Serial Numbers under FreeBSD

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Fri Nov 5 07:56:48 PST 2004

In the last episode (Nov 04), Dan Mahoney, System Admin said:
> Hey all, I'm trying to create an inventory script for systems that
> will be loaded via net-boot.  I was wondering if there was any useful
> way to obtain the serial number of devices like the hard drives,
> processor, and/or motherboard.  (as far as I can guess, those are the
> only things likely to store a serial number in a machine-readable
> format).

You can get the serial number of scsi disks with "camcontrol inq da0
-S", once for each drive.  I don't have any cpus with serial numbers,
but if you have a P4 with it enabled, I think the cpuid command in
ports can print it.  As for the motherboard serial number, you'll
probably need to open the case to get that, but try the "dmidecode"
port.  My Asus board prints a serial number of "xxxxxxxxxxx", but other
boards might actually put a real value in there.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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