Darwin cmd import?

Cyrille Lefevre clefevre-lists at 9online.fr
Thu May 27 19:08:20 PDT 2004

regarding the APSL (http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/),
do you think it is possible to import some darwin commands w/ mods.

for instance, I thing to decomment and relpath from bootstrap_cmds,
sadc and sar from system_cmds, and maybe some others in the future.

also, how about to import NetBSD shlock ? and CMU md (a sort of mkdep in C) ?

PS : decomment and relpath only need some mods while sadc would need a large
amount of mods, don't know about sar.

Cyrille Lefevre.
home: mailto:cyrille.lefevre at laposte.net

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