USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request()

Rita Lin ritalin at
Mon May 3 16:00:41 PDT 2004

> That is what I call a bad design.
> You waste resources because the device designer did not take the
> features he had available.
Okay, I guess so. There are also other minor things that I don't understand
the device is implemented the way it is. Since I don't make it,  and I don't
work for
the company that makes it, it's beyond me.

> If this is a device level driver yes.
> But I still think that a device with multiple ports and separate
> pipes per port should also offer multiple USB interfaces.
Are you talking about USB interfaces at software layer or physical layer? I
think I'm confused here.
If it's software layer, yes, the device offers multiple USB interfaces. Each
interface has its own pipes.
But, of course, the default pipe is shared.


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