Diagnosing unrecognized hardware

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu Mar 25 14:15:06 PST 2004

In message: <20040325220922.43549.qmail at web10505.mail.yahoo.com>
            "Brian O'Shea" <b_oshea at yahoo.com> writes:
: Sorry for being unclear.  I didn't mean to say that those changes worked,
: I was asking if they were correct so far.  Also, I asked where I should
: specify the product id, because I suspect that I need to add that to
: some other table (please see the end of my comments in my previous e-mail).
: The changes that I specified in that e-mail were a sanity-check, so that
: more experienced kernel hackers could take a look at it and tell me if
: there is anything obvious that I am doing wrong.  In particular, I am
: not sure about the strings for the CIS info for this card, but I don't
: think that they are as important as the product id.
: Once I have verified that it works, I will send diffs with the changes
: from -CURRENT, but I havn't been able to get it to work yet.
: Sorry for the confusion, and thank you for your help.

No problems.  What I committed to current is the preferred way of
defining these things.  I was confused over your email (it has been
one of those days).

Basically, you add it to sys/dev/pccard/pccarddevs, run make -f
Makefile.pccarddevs in that directory, then add the line you talked
about in your other email to if_wi_pccard.c.  The first part of this
is desirable reguardless of if if_wi supports this card or not.  There
was some other mail suggesting it was a 'flash-less' card needing
firmware downloaded to it before it would work.


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