ATA/CHS problem

Roman Kurakin rik at
Wed Mar 24 10:32:11 PST 2004


    (Was "HDD question" on hackers@, posted also here cause this is also 
CURRENT problem)

 >    I have some problems with my HDD (ST380021A). The problem was 
checked on 5.2, 5.2.1, and some
 > 5.Current (cvsuped about week or two).
 >    At first I got this problem while system installation. I get trap 
and message from ata after I start a commit:
 > FAILURE READ_DMA status=51 <READY, DSC, ERROR> error=10 
<NID_NOT_FOUND> LBA=245529601
 >    I started to hack sysinstall and finally came to simple program 
that could lead
 > to the same message from ata:
 > fd = open ("/dev/ata0", O_RDWR);
 > read_block (fd, (daddr_t)41929650, 512); // this one could be changed 
to pair calls lseek and read,
      // so this is not libdisk problem
 > I checked the same code with /dev/ata1 which is twice as little, but 
I didn't
 > get any messages.
 > I don't have any ideas where my read call goes, which drivers to look 
to catch this bug.
 > So I need a help from some gurus in this area.
What I've found since that time:

This is not an LBA request. ATA driver thinks that I have 80G CHS 
device, cause it's ATA_FLAG_54_58
is zero. (This decision is incorrect, we shouldn't relay on this flag). 
I've checked another seagate 80G drive in
CHS mode(by driver hacking), and problematic one with LBA mode. I get 
the same behavior on both with CHS.
And both work fine in LBA mode. It also should be mentioned that I get 
this problem on machine with
ICH2 controller, and it seems that I don't have such problem on other 
machine with ICH5.

PS. If you have any ideas, or if you have any materials (standards for 
example) about ATA/ATAPI and you
can share them with me, please let me know. I am not ata developer, so 
this is a bit difficalt for me to
dig this problem.


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