-stable needs rw obj dir for install?

William Grim wgrim at siue.edu
Wed Mar 3 18:15:35 PST 2004

Julian Elischer wrote:

>The prize goes to Kris Kennaway  who suggested that it was a time sync
>problem between the NFS server and client..
>There in fact was a time problem. 
I don't know how it was determined that there was a time sync problem; 
however, in general, "make" creates updated object files depending on 
the time an object was created.  If the source code is newer than the 
object that would be built from the source code, then the object is rebuilt.

Maybe this will help you understand why the times have to be in sync 
between and NFS server and client.

William Michael Grim
Student, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Unix Network Administrator, SIUE, Computer Science dept.
Phone: (217) 341-6552
Email: wgrim at siue.edu

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