memory mapped packet capturing - bpf replacement ?

Sergey Lyubka devnull at
Mon Jun 14 16:11:24 GMT 2004

Hi Ed,

> I did my benchmark by increasing the packet rate until I found
> the point at which packets started to be dropped.
A bit offtopic - what traffic generator you use ?

> In my testing I found the call to microtime() to be quite
> expensive.  (It will vary depending on which timecounter is
> being used.)
I haven't added the timestamp to the header yet, so what would you
recommed to use ?

> Is this in a SMP or uniprocesor environment?  I think your gain
> from a ringbuffer interface will be more significant in the SMP
> case.
I gonna test it much more on both SMP and UP machines

> Does the ng_hub cause the packet to be copied?  If so you've
> still got the same number of copies as vanilla BPF.
I think ng_hub does not do a copy, instead it passes mbufs through.
Originally,  I wanted this architecture:
               /         \
          (lower)      (upper)
	       \        /

This way, you intercept all Ethernet traffic trough ng_hub. Then,
ng_bpf does BPF filtering, if any. If no filtering is needed, then
ng_bpf node may be omitted. And, at last, ng_mmq does queuing.
> Are you using the same snap length (or copying the entire packet)
> in each case?
Hmm not sure what are you mean here.
I am copying whole mbuf chain the same way BPF does. mbuf chain comes
from the hook, and it can arrive to the hook from whatever source.

> As for question 3, be careful that you're atomically modifying
> the head and tail indices/pointers.  But yes, you can do it
> without a mutex.
Any points how to do that ? the only thing I can think of is having
atomic variable in shared memory chunk, and using spinlock + atomic change.


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