HEADS UP! KSE needs more attention

Daniel Eischen eischen at vigrid.com
Sun Jun 6 19:55:25 GMT 2004

On Sun, 6 Jun 2004, Scott Long wrote:

> All,
> We are about 4-6 weeks away from starting the 5.3 release cycle.  As it
> stands, KSE still only works reliably on i386.  There are reports of
> significant instability on amd64, and it doesn't work at all on alpha
> and sparc64.  I'm willing to drop the alpha requirement and maybe even
> the sparc64 requirement, but there absolutely will not be a 5.3 until
> amd64 is solid.  Please contact myself, Dan Eischen, and David Xu if
> you are interested in helping out.

amd64 looks to be a problem in readline which doesn't seem
to redispatch signal handlers with SA_SIGINFO arguments.

David also has patches for debugging support at:


Doug Rabson also has basic TLS support working in perforce.
It'd be nice to get TLS and debugging in before 5.3-release.

Dan Eischen

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