GEOM + Vinum
Robert Watson
rwatson at
Wed Jan 21 06:49:44 PST 2004
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Lukas Ertl wrote:
> > I step in. I complained bitterly about the "rip-it-off"-plans.
> > I'm currently not able to help out coding, but I would gladly
> > supply remote console access to a box suitable for vinum testing.
> > (Including access to a local cvsup-/cvs-server, backup space etc.)
> Thanks for these offers!
> FWIW, there's now a new mailing list, freebsd-geom@, and we should move
> this thread over there.
I'm really glad someone has picked up on this. No one wants to see Vinum
users left behind, it's simply been a question of finding someone to bring
Vinum forward :-).
(And once I remembered I had to use MailMan to subscribe to freebsd-geom
and not Majordomo, I was much happier :-).
Robert N M Watson FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
robert at Senior Research Scientist, McAfee Research
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