[CHECKER] bugs in FreeBSD

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Sat Jan 17 09:37:23 PST 2004

In message: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0401161607260.26554-100000 at Xenon.Stanford.EDU>
            Paul Twohey <twohey at CS.Stanford.EDU> writes:
: Hi,
: I'm with the Stanford Metacompilation research group. We have a suite of
: checkers that find bugs at compile time and we've had quite a bit of
: success checking the Linux kernel code for errors. Since our checkers can
: emit false alarms we filter the reports before we give them to the kernel
: developers. While some false alarms slip past us to the developers, our
: limited knowledge of the kernel allows us to recognize most of them.
: We are currently trying to extend our checker to automatically find 
: functions which allocate resources and to make sure those resources are 
: properly disposed of. 
: Enclosed is a list of potential bugs in FreeBSD where a value is returned 
: from a function (like malloc) that should be owned by the caller and the 
: caller does not properly dispose of the value with the appropriate 
: disposal routine (like free).
: Confirmation of these reports would be appreciated.

Wow!  That's cool!  You've found a number of problems.  It will take
us a little while to chew through them (although on their face they do
seem to be issues).


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