Large Filesystem Woes

Frank McConnell fmc at
Tue Jan 13 11:25:33 PST 2004

Peter Jeremy <peterjeremy at> wrote:
> (OTOH, I have no problems with 1.9e6 files in a UFS1 partition 
> on a FreeBSD box).

For your amusement: a box running 4.7-RELEASE with 3.3e6 files in a
single directory.  It began to exhibit problems but remained usable.
~90MB directory file.  Took a while to find a file or create a new one
in that directory.  The security run reported "find: fts_read: Cannot
allocate memory" as its scan for setuid files.

It's been rearranged a bit and is happier now.

-Frank McConnell

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